Empowering Businesses With Innovative Solutions to Better Serve Their Communities

Our Story

Christian Betancourt
Founder & CEO

Enabling businesses to empower our economy

My journey with marketing and sales has always been more than just a career; it's been a calling. I've always believed that technology and sales are about transformation — of businesses, communities, and lives. My faith has guided me to see my work as a mission to serve others, to be a catalyst for growth and opportunity.

Over 15 years ago, I began my sales adventure, going door-to-door for an energy company. Those days, battling the cold and often unwelcome doors, were more than just a job; they were the early steps in a journey towards a greater purpose. The turning point came with a heartwarming encounter with a Colombian couple. Their hospitality and the connection we formed speaking Spanish opened my eyes to the profound impact of personal relationships in business. It was then I realized this path was about more than sales; it was about people, about serving a higher purpose.

As I climbed the ranks in the telecom world, from a bright-eyed phone representative to a celebrated member of the "President's Club," and eventually a team leader, my vision began to take shape. Each step was a lesson in harnessing the power of communication and technology to not just hit targets, but to make a real difference.

OutboundPro was born from this vision. Drawing on my extensive experience and a passion for cutting-edge technology, I've built systems that aren't just about generating new clients, but about empowering businesses to thrive and, in turn, enrich their communities. Each new opportunity we create for our clients is a step towards a more prosperous, hopeful world.

My belief is strong: by helping businesses, we're part of a larger plan to bring prosperity to families, vitality to communities, and strength to our nations. I see my role and the role of OutboundPro as instruments of a higher calling, helping thousands to fulfill their potential, and in doing so, serving God's purpose.

Our Values

  • Compassion: People ALWAYS come first

  • Innovation: Always looking for opportunities to improve

  • Client Focused: Clients Win, We Win

  • Action Takers: Be bold, move decisively - Imperfect Action > No Action

  • Data driven: Use data to drive outcomes and processes

Empowering Businesses to be Difference Makers

Our vision is to be a beacon of innovation and growth, harnessing the power of technology, marketing and sales to help businesses grow in revenue and impact. Guided by our commitment to serve, we aspire to empower business owners to not only succeed but to be difference makers in their communities and places of influence.

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Scale Your Business with Setters, Closers & Acquisition Systems